GOOD NEWS: 145.49 Repeater Back On Air!

145.49 MHz. Repeater is On the AirWe are thrilled to report that the 145.49 MHz. repeater is back on the air today following a major antenna and coaxial feed line failure earlier this month. For the time being, we are using a temporary, bare-bones setup. It does work, and it will get the job done. EchoLink appears to be working as well, so the N0NWS-R EchoLink node should function properly with a few minor differences in sound quality.

As a result, the Skywarn Training Net for, Tuesday, September 12, 2017, is scheduled to take place starting at 7:00 p.m. Central. Please be sure to join Jim, N0UAM on the air and check in.

We thank you for your patience during this challenging time. There is much work ahead to restore the 145.49 MHz. repeater (which is the hub of our Southwest Missouri Regional Skywarn Repeater Network) back to its full capacity. Please stay tuned.