Boy Scouts Repeater Back On Air

Springfield Missouri Boy Scouts RepeaterThe Boy Scouts of America Post 30 repeater is back on the air in the greater Springfield, Missouri area! The KC0DBU Repeater transmits on a frequency of 145.330 MHz. with a standard minus (-) offset and a CTCSS tone of 156.7 Hz. from atop Cox South Hospital. Southwest Missouri Regional Skywarn N0NWS repeater trustee Mike, N0NQW says the Boy Scout’s 2 meter repeater suffered equipment failure and was off the air for some time. Using some spare equipment from the 145.49 repeater, the Boy Scouts Repeater is now back on the air.

In an effort to further its mission of encouraging youth in amateur radio (which is essentially the same mission of the Skywarn Youth Net on Sunday evenings), the KC0DBU Boy Scouts Post 30 Repeater plans to link fulltime with the Southwest Missouri Regional Skywarn linked repeaters. This repeater will provide improved coverage for handheld radios in most of metropolitan Springfield, Missouri along with the southward-flanking communities of Fremont Hills, Nixa, and Battlefield. This repeater will be a helpful compliment to the 145.490 Fordland Repeater which can be difficult to access on handhelds from inner city locations due to multipath and other challenges inherent to radio operation in urban areas. You can view the predicted coverage contour of the KC0DBU repeater using our Repeater Coverage Map.

The newly-restored Boy Scouts of America Post 30 repeater along with the soon-to-be-linked Laurie, Missouri repeater (mentioned above) and the forthcoming N0NWS repeater in Macomb, Missouri (read the earlier story here) makes three repeaters that you should program into your radios.

To make it easier, here is a quick listing of these new Skywarn-affiliated repeaters’ frequencies, CTCSS tones, and locations:
146.955 MHz. ( – )  192.8 Hz.  (Laurie, MO: Camden & Morgan Counties)
145.330 MHz. ( – )  156.7 Hz.  (Cox South Springfield, MO: Greene & Northern Christian Counties)
146.745 MHz. ( – )  136.5 Hz.  (Macomb, Missouri: Wright & Douglas Counties)